Dealing With Mold In Closed Terrariums

In the charming world of terrariums, occasional encounters with mold might dampen the spirits, but fear not – dealing with it is part of the green thumb journey.

All of our terrariums come with their own colony of beneficial insects called Springtails which should eliminate the need to deal with mold growth in most cases as they will happily feast on the mold for you. However if they become overwhelmed or if for some reason the colony dies out this guide will direct you no what steps to take:

1. Identify the Culprit:

  • White Fuzzy Mold: Often harmless, appearing on the moss surface. Gently scrape it off and reduce watering.
  • Green or Black Mold: A sign of excess moisture. Adjust your watering schedule and increase airflow.

2. Enhance Air Circulation:

  • Remove Lid Temporarily: Open the terrarium lid for a few hours to let in fresh air. Consider moving the terrarium somewhere with good air flow uring this time to make sure there is good circulation.

3. Adjust Watering Practices:

  • Reduce Watering Frequency: Mold thrives in damp conditions, so scale back on watering.
  • Targeted Watering: Direct water at the base of the moss, avoiding excess on the glass or decorative elements.

4. Inspect and Remove Debris:

  • Clear Away Dead Moss: Trim any decaying or dead moss using tweezers.
  • Remove Organic Debris: Regularly check for fallen leaves or other organic matter and remove them.

5. Monitor and Adapt:

  • Watch for Recurrence: Keep an eye on the terrarium, adjusting care as needed.
  • Regular Checkups: Perform routine inspections to catch and address mold early on.

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